Yao Zhuo 姚卓

PhD candidate, former algorithm engineer

What about me?

As a PhD candidate specializing in robot systems, my passion lies in fundalmental aspects in robotics. Previously, I worked as a robot algorithm engineer, where I designed navigation and localization systems for bipedal robots and automowers.


I am currently pursuing a PhD in Robot Systems at Beihang University, also known as BUAA. In 2017, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronic Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. Subsequently, I pursued a Master’s degree with the Robot Navigation and Visual SLAM team in BAICIRS (Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems) at the same institute.


1.Yao, Z. , Zhang, W. , Shi, Y. , Li, M. , & Huang, Q. . (2019). Reinforcedrimjump: tangent-based shortest-path planning for two-dimensional maps. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, PP(99), 1-1.

2.Yao, Z. , Zhang, W. , Shi, Y. , Li, M. , Liang, Z. , & Li, F. , Huang, Q.. (2018). Rimjump: edge-based shortest path planning for a 2d map. Robotica, 1-15.

3.Nie, F. , Zhang, W. , Yao, Z. , Shi, Y. , & Huang, Q. . (2020). Lcpf: a particle filter lidar slam system with loop detection and correction. IEEE Access, 8, 1-1.

4.Shi, Y. , Zhang, W. , Yao, Z. , Li, M. , Liang, Z. , & Cao, Z. , et al. (2018). Design of a hybrid indoor location system based on multi-sensor fusion for robot navigation. Sensors, 18(10).

5.Yao, Z. RimJump*: Tangent Based Shortest Path Planning for Cluttered 3D Environment. Preprints 2021, 2021040754 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202104.0754.v1).

6.Yao, Z. Tangent Based-Path Path Planning with Distinctive Topologies in a Dynamic Environment. Preprints 2021, 2021080034 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202108.0034.v1).

Work Experience

Segway Robotics(full-time, 2021-11 ~ 2022~7)

As one of the primary developers, I developed and maintained the navigation system for a mower robot, which includes several functions such as coverage mowing, boundary-follow mowing, obstacle avoidance, and trap recovery. In addition, I developed a log replay program that enables the conversion of texts to videos, aiding in the debugging process. Additionally, I provide technical guidance and support to interns and junior employees.

UBTECH(full-time, 2019.7 ~ 2021-11)

As a designer and developer, I successfully created the navigation and landmark-based localization system for Walker in RoboCup 2021. Furthermore, I worked as a teacher assistant with Tsinghua Hephaestus, the third-place winner in RoboCup 2019. In addition to basic functions, I also developed a real-time wireless monitoring system that interacts with the robot and is based on motion capture devices, ROS, and WiFi.